Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has
- Margaret Mead
Embracing Distressed Domestic Workers with Acts of Love
多团体办屠妖节庆祝活动 2万客工料参与
200名外籍劳工参与屠妖节庆祝活动 感染过节气氛
வெளிநாட்டு ஊழியர்களுக்குத் தீபாவளி உணர்வைக் கொண்டுசெல்லச் சிறப்பு நிகழ்ச்சிகள்
Caring for the Rough Sleepers and the Vulnerables in Our Nation, in Celebration of National Day
Mattresses and Hygiene Packs Distribution for Underprivileged Households
ADEO National Day Celebration 2022
Over 200 Domestic Workers Celebrated International Domestic Workers' Day
Improving the Lives of the Underprivileged Kids in Singapore
Over 1,000 children from low-income families to benefit from literacy classes
Lucky draw, games for 200 helpers at carnival to celebrate International Domestic Workers' Day
FAST教导女佣理财 以应付债务与储蓄挑战
放宽前往社区限制 人力部考虑取消客工外出通行证配额
More Than 7,000 Guest Workers Attended Hari Raya Celebration at Tuas South Recreation Centre
3,000 migrant workers celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri at Tuas South recreation centre
3,000 migrant workers celebrate Hari Raya Puasa with carnival games, live performances
Isu perhubungan punca tak ramai sertai solat tarawih bagi pekerja migran
Large-scale Ramadan prayers for migrant workers return, though first session drew small turnout
喜获爱心礼包 弱势者情人节前夕笑颜开