Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has
- Margaret Mead
Pek penjagaan diagih kepada 12k pekerja asing
少数宿舍确实不达标 陈川仁:但不能一概而论
客工关怀联盟今早送暖 礼篮赠1万2000名客工
“他们也是我们” 希望工程联盟与数机构合作为客工送上爱心礼包
Make A Difference: Causes to Donate Your COVID-19 Solidarity Payout
Coronavirus: after Little India riot, Singapore promised migrant workers decent housing. What happened?
Pemerintah, majikan dan NGO main peranan aktif jaga kebajikan pekerja asing di dormitori, dedah Zaqy
客工关怀联盟募集物资善款 为1万2000客工准备卫塞节爱心礼篮
1100家工厂改建宿舍急需物资和餐食支援 本地社团和企业:我们罩着你
Ingin bantu pekerja asing? Salur derma di laman SG United
COVID-19: Restaurant chefs lead community kitchen with volunteers to prepare meals for Singapore's migrant workers
小贩等捐食物水果 基督青少年会为客工送餐
Sowing Care for the Homeless Amidst COVID-19
新加坡封锁持续 非营利组织为外籍劳工提供食物
Michelin Chefs Cook For Migrant Workers at Straits Clan's Community Kitchen
The Resources You Need to Help Marginalised Communities In Singapore
Singapore: Unions extend assistance to migrant worker dormitories
'We’re in a prison': Singapore's migrant workers suffer as Covid-19 surges back
Pastor helps keep Singapore's migrant workers fed during COVID-19 lockdown